Tara the Android voice file download

Click here to hear a demo of Tara's voice.
Click here to download Tara's voice file.
Click here to download Melody Assistant.

Melody Assistant and VirtualSinger

Although you can use Melody Assistant for free, there are a few restrictions in the demo version.

One of these restrictions is the ability to export the audio directly to a MP3 file, from Melody Assistant itself.

To get around this restriction, you will have to record the audio in Audacity.

You can find instructions on how to do this below.

Step 1: Open Audacity, then click on "Audio Setup".

Step 2: go to "Recording Device:.

Step 3: Select "Stero Mix." This option may also be called Windows WASAPI.

When you are ready to record, press the red record button in Audacity.

After you start recording, switch over to Melody Assistant, then click the speaker icon. Melody Assistant will play the audio, and Audacity will record the output.

To use Tara's voice in Melody Assistant, navigate to C:\Program Files\Melody Assistant\VirtualSinger\Voices, then create a new folder titled "Tara" in the voices folder.

Now, you can copy the Tara.prv file into the Tara folder.

Using the Voice File

First, open Melody Assistant, then click the bird icon in the side panel. For easy access, you can detach the VirtualSinger window from the side panel.

Then, double click the icon in the middle of the stage, as shown above.

Now, select the voice you would like to use, then click OK.

It is worth noting that you can change the language of the singer, and even the accent, by clicking the flag icon in the VirtualSinger window.

If you have any questions, email me

Tara the Android's voice was recreated by James Marget, AKA CrappyPastry99. You can view his YouTube channel here.